Changes in the C-Suite: Recruiting CTOs and CIOs
Recruiting CTOs and CIOs are just as crucial during the Great Resignation. Today’s companies are more digital than ever, and cybersecurity is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. It is the responsibility of the CTO or CIO to oversee the technical aspects of the business. It is generally the CTO’s responsibility to purchase and maintain […]
Changes in the C-Suite: Recruiting CMOs & CROs
In the last few years, there has been an increase in CMO/CRO turnover, and sales and marketing have become increasingly intertwined. Marketing has changed: while in the past new customers were mostly attracted by personal contact, events, and media advertising, these methods are no longer effective. What is a CMO and a CRO? A chief […]
3 Reasons Why You Need an Executive Search Firm
Leaders in any organization understand how important their people are to their company’s success. From front line workers to senior leaders, a company’s talent can create a culture critical to the future of the organization. The best way to ensure hiring the right people is by connecting with experts to meet the organization’s hiring goals. […]
A Crash Course in Talent Optimization
In our recent survey of CEOs, we found that 52% didn’t achieve their business results last year. The number one reason? People. If your people strategy doesn’t align with your business strategy, results will suffer. In this eBook, you’ll learn: A revolutionary discipline for mapping your people strategy to your business strategy. Why employees become […]